Book recommendation for praying the examen

The Church of England website also provides many resources to help individuals worship at home as well as the which are a wonderful resource and unite us in prayer. Links can be found below and are updated regularly.
- Church of England website
- Daily Prayer
- #LiveLent: Care for God's Creation
- Learning to Pray
- Topical Prayers
- The Book of Common Prayer
Many of these prayer resources (and more) are available as apps for your smart phone/tablet. For more information, visit www.chpublishing.co.uk/apps.
The CoE has also produced resources for prayer about the outbreak, prayers with children, and personal prayers which can be found below.
Bishop Nick Baines has recommended the wild worship field guide, which is especially great for families. But please use in line with the governments guidelines about daily exercise and social distancing!
If you perhaps struggle with prayer, or would like to know more about it, St John's delivered a sermon series about prayer, based on the Lord's Prayer. A booklet containing all the sermons is available to read here.
The parish notes also contain some prayers for the week, as well as the names of those who we are remembering in our prayers.
The Church of England has launched a helpline called Daily Hope. This is aimed primarily at those who do not have access to the internet and all the online resources, but can be accessed by all. Using a freephone number (0800 8048044), it offers a hymn, reading and prayer, for those who prefer to use a phone to access worship materials. If Daily Hope may be of use to you, or anyone you know - a friend, neighbour, family member - please let them know about it!