Climate Action MenstonCAM are linking up with Menston Community Association and running a Ladies Clothes Swap in Kirklands on Saturday 15th June. So sift...
Deanery meetingOn Thursday 13th June at 7.30 in St Thomas' Church in Sutton, South Craven and Wharfedale Deanery will be hearing from Geoff Park, the...
A Rocha Field NotesThe choir of creation resounds with a pandemonium of birdsong, croaking frogs, rushing rivers, braying mammals and buzzing insects. Add...
APCM 2023 - 28 APRIL 2024To see the election results of APCM on 28 April 2024, please click here. You can also read the A YEAR IN A LIFE booklet, documenting...
April Parish MagazineThe April edition of the Parish Magazine is now available to read in print and on our website!
April Parish MagazineThe April edition of the Parish Magazine is now available to read in print and on our website!
Eco Church Connect - Easter NewsletterDear friends, As we approach Easter, we do so in the knowledge that Jesus defeated death, and we can have resurrection hope. Life is...