“As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. This will have a far-reaching impact on our own wellbeing and the good of others – on our loving, living and learning. I would like to invite you to join the diocesan ‘Rhythm of Life’ venture. This will involve individual commitments, accessing resources and mutual support. Some key areas will be given special attention: praying, encouraging, sharing, reflecting, celebrating, resting and creating.”The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds.
There are two diocesan-wide Rhythm of Life courses running separately during the season of Lent.
They will be running on:
Wednesday Evenings between 7.30pm - 9.00pm (Wednesday 24 February - Wednesday 31 March)
Thursday Mornings between 10.30am - 12.00 noon (Thursday 25 February - Thursday 1 April)
Both online courses consist of 6 weekly sessions throughout Lent. The course is running twice to accommodate people's availability and day/ time preference.
The sessions will be taking place online via Zoom. To register a place, please visit the Eventbrite pages:
Wednesday Evening course here
Thursday Morning course here
For more information on what the Rythm of Life is, click here.
Rhythm of Life material for Children, Young People and Families can be accessed here.
