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Growing Your Talents - Church Roof Project

On Sunday 17 July, as part of our fundraising activities, the Church invested £10 in a several people who wanted to have a go at growing their “talent”. We encouraged you to think big, take risks and have a go. we hope and pray that you have enjoyed this opportunity. How is it going? How is your £10 growing? What have you done with the money to make it grow? Read Matthew 25:14-30, and on Sunday 11 September you have to come back and share the news. Hopefully you will bring back £10, but hopefully it will have made more? There will be a prize for the most innovative idea and rounds of applause for everyone—and hopefully no gnashing of teeth and wailing!!! See you on 11 September. Revd. Andrew Howorth

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February Parish Magazine

The February edition of the Parish Magazine is now available in print and to read on our website - click here!


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