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Eco tips for February

  1. Enjoy texting: at 0.014g of carbon dioxide a text it’s a very low carbon cost way to communicate

  2. Think before you click: each web search requires energy on your computer, laptop or ‘phone and more at the server finding the webpage for you, costing 4.5g CO2e a time. Just 10 searches a day adds up to 16.5kg CO2e a year. 

  3. Switch to using a green search engine on the internet such as, which plants trees to absorb the carbon emissions from your web searches. 

  4. Email with care: an email generates 4g CO2e and a large email with lots of attachments up to 50g. Don’t stop communicating, but think before you copy everyone in!

If you are interested in joining the eco group, do get in touch. Marilyn, Catherine, Sally , Matthew and Jen.

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Eco tips for February

Enjoy texting: at 0.014g of carbon dioxide a text it’s a very low carbon cost way to communicate. Think before you click: each web search...



St John the Divine, Menston Parish Church,
Burley Lane, Menston, Ilkley LS29 6EU
Registered Charity Number 1129823

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