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Climate Action Menston

In January, we ran a recycling event at Kirklands to enable people to recycle items such as blister packs and crisp packets which do not go in the kerbside bins. A surprising amount was collected. We are hoping that we can arrange recycling of such items more locally than Superdrug in Leeds or Keighley, so please watch out for updates.

Our “Let’s Get Walking" leaflet has been delivered to residents of the new homes in the village and led to some good conversations. The pedestrian access from St John’s View onto Hawksworth Drive will be a big help to people living there, especially those with children at the school. We are still keen to see progress on the school crossing and other improvements to Main Street for pedestrians.

There are plans for a Community Fridge at Kirklands - the idea being to avoid food waste. So anyone with spare food can donate it to the fridge and anyone can collect from it. More details coming soon.

We have been loaning out a couple of energy monitors to local residents so that people can see how much energy particular appliances use and also the cost. If you are interested in borrowing one of these, please get in touch.

We will next be meeting on 22nd February at Kirklands at 7.30. Do come along for a dose of climate related activity!

For more information see Marilyn or contact via

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February Parish Magazine

The February edition of the Parish Magazine is now available in print and to read on our website - click here!


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