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Climate Action Menston

Climate Action Menston is keen to find out how many homes have solar panels in Menston and the experiences of people who have them. Some of our young people are helping with the survey and information about what to think about when considering solar panels is available on the CAM website. If you have solar panels/batteries, do get in touch.

We are awaiting the next stage of the consultation on the traffic measures for Menston and have been distributing our “Let’s Get Walking" map to new homes within the village.

We plan to be at Menston show on 9th September and on Wednesday 20th September at 7.30 in Kirklands we will be hearing from Dr David Williams, Lecturer in Sustainability and the Environment, School of Earth and Environment, on 'How to save the world without really trying focused on reducing meat consumption. I am sure this will be really enlightening - do come along. All are welcome.

For further information about CAM and to contact us see: or ring Marilyn


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